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Oh hi!


My name is Shanel, I am sophomore at Temple University. My major is African American studies and psychology, and I love to dance.



“What do you define as urban philly culture?



          “Urban philly culture to me means the underground, the culture people look past, in a way, people don't pay attention to necessarily. Its rich its so rich, and a lot of times people don't pay attention to that cause they are more mainstream and kind of, not narrow minded but urban creativity in general its a lot of the times looked over. You know there is other kinds of creativity like museums or I don't know record stores but a lot times where really the heart or the passion lies is in the urban community, especially in Philly. In an urban area I think its underground but very passionate and rich. Beautiful.”


            I actually don't have a definition for philly urban culture, because I mean I think in defining it there is restriction, I think thats the most beautiful part, its really open and rich in culture and underground and beautiful and underrated and looked over and it's so broad especially as dancer because I’ve met artists and I’ve met poets and they’re not, you know , looking for any fame they just do what they do because they love it and i think thats the most beautiful part about being in an urban area especially philly, and everyone loves what they are doing its beautiful especially to be among dancer, who don't want to climb any ladders, We’re just doing it because we love it and its beautiful so there is really no definition I think its just about doing what you love i an urban area and its always so beautiful.



“So you mention dance but what other mediums do you think that you find in the Urban culture in philly?”



           I find other mediums  I think in poetry because we, our dance org is actually affiliated in a sister org  with another org called Babble, which is a poetry collective and they are very very  popular around philly, they community work with the younger poets here in philly and their art is spectacular, like if I could do it like I would totally dive in, but you know I’m a dancer like I said, I find I find relatability with their art in the way of what they do and why they do what they do, so I really appreciate that.



“Do you believe there is really a certain genre of music, dance, or art that really came from philly’s streets?”



           I know graffiti started in philly,Graffiti started in Philadelphia years and years and years ago so I know that definitely spread. There are arguments as to where breakdancing started. you know they say New york or Philly thats kind of a thing, so I can't really say, but I’m pretty positive that graffiti actually started here. You know when you look on subway trains and you see out the window and you see graffiti everywhere, which I love its spectacular, because graffiti is gorgeous and people like I said look over that and they automatically have a negative connotation with it but um Philly is the birthplace of graffiti and thats another element of hip hop so its so important, it's so important to me as a dancer that you appreciate those kinds of things,and especially being in philly because its everywhere you go and like i said people look over it but I really appreciate it and its beautiful.”


“Do you think that urban culture has affected any positive movements in Philly?”


           Hmm um yeah I think now especially because of all the police brutality that is going on, um its really motivating the people in philly normally part of the urban culture whatever that means educationally, creatively, artistically whatever its definitely motivating people to make change within the urban community so definitely I would say now and before I wasn't there before so of course its hard for me to say but I'm almost certain, I’m almost certain you know the urban community was apart of so many movements and you know I can't say specifically because I wasn't there.  



“Do you personally feel that the urban arts movement, whether it be dance, art, poetry has allowed you personal freedom within your gender, race, or whatever affiliation you have sexually?”


            Um yeah totally, I literally can't even finish a sentence. The reason why I came to Temple, why I came to Philly was to dance. In doing that I found who I was I picked my majors that allowed me to understand who I am and where I come from and apart of that is because I am dancer and  your passion is an extension of yourself so I was able to find myself as a dancer and in turn finding myself as who i am, sexually i am so much more open and its crazy because im so awkward in person but as a dnacer I’m beyonce. its definitely given me another directional path to go down I credit my art to the reason why I am the way I am, any way that I am, anyway I will become, anyway that I was.


"Do you think the effect urban arts has had on you will translate into your future career?"


          I want to work in philly. What i want to do is become a movement therapist, movement therapy is basically rehabilitating peoples body’s, mind’s and soul’s in one.I want to use that in a way where I want to give back to any urban community. To be able to let kids express themselves in a way that they aren't even allowed to any more because they don't have gym they don't have art they don't have those things in their education system right now. to be able use what i want to do and create change so it manifests through them as they grow older. through their body they can be a dancer and artist a politician it doesn't even matter but they can be more than what they were.


"Do you have anything you want to add?"


          I want to add that I want and I wish for. Urban movement to not only stay in the urban community. its beautiful that they are in the urban areas and its so funny because urban areas are the richest in culture I believe but I would love for that to be able to transcend those categories, urban suburban etc. For everybody for art to transcend that be bigger than that. and I love to dance.



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